Welcome To First Baptist Church of Lamar


Dear First Family and Friends,


Denise and I would like to thank everyone for their generous gifts for Christmas. It is a blessed privilege to serve you as pastor and wife. We appreciate your friendship and willingness to serve Christ together.

 As I consider the upcoming messages from the Joshua Series, there is so much more than what one could expound upon in a Sunday morning message. I am just hitting the high spots of the book and I will trust that you reading and rereading the book will receive much more from the influence of the Holy Spirit.

 February is quickly approaching and with it comes several opportunities for service. One of which is Dessert Auction. This is a fun evening for everyone and is a fantastic way to support our Youth Ministry. Look elsewhere in the Vision for detailed information.


Keeping the Main Thing, the main thing,

Pastor Robb


             First Baptist Church’s Vision Statement is “To Know Christ and to make Him Known.” There are Four Directives for the believer in the word KNOW K = Kingdom Focused N = New Creation O = Obedient Follower W = Worshiper of God. There are Five Functions of the Church in the word KNOWN K = Kingdom Advancement (Evangelism N = New Life/Teaching (Discipleship) O = Others (Fellowship) W = Worshiping Community (Worship) N = New Ministries (Mission ) Keeping the Main Thing the main thing.



Regular Schedule


   9:00 AM Sunday School 
  10:15 AM Morning Worship
  5:30 pm   Praise Band
 6:00-7:30 pm TEAM KIDS
 6:30 pm  Sanctuary Choir
                                                        6:30 pm   Bible Study/ Prayer
 6:30 pm  Men’s Ministry
                    Bible Study
 7:00-8:30  pm  Collision Youth
 7:15 pm  Hand Bells       






First Baptist Church of Lamar

P.O. Box 426
1301 East 6th Street
Lamar, Missouri 64759
Map  •   Directions
Phone 417-682-3538
Gina Reed  Website Administrator